Dying Victims Productions is proud to announce the release of a massive amount of KILLER Metal:
DVP 171 Heavy Sentence – Bang to Rights CD/MC
DYING VICTIMS PRODUCTIONS and Crypt of the Wizard are proud to present HEAVY SENTENCE’s highly anticipated debut album, Bang to Rights, on CD and music cassette (DVP) as well as vinyl LP (CotW) formats.
One of the hottest propositions in the UK’s resurgent traditional metal scene, HEAVY SENTENCE have kept the emphasis on quality over quantity since their formation in the mid-2010s. Just like the early days of the NWOBHM, HEAVY SENTENCE made their recorded debut with a two-song 7” in 2017, followed a year later by another two-song 7”. Both graced with stark, gritty, but endearingly basement-level cover art, these two singles evinced an ageless verve and vivacity in stark contrast with the band’s meager years. And yet, HEAVY SENTENCE include among their ranks scene veterans who do or have done time in labelmates AGGRESSIVE PERFECTOR, Wode, Exxxekutioner, Sump, and Wóddréa Mylenstede among others, so perhaps that inherent wisdom should be no surprise…. Either way, with just four songs to their name and a clutch of raucous live gigs, anticipation has been feverish for a full-length.
At last, it arrives bearing the call-to-arms title Bang to Rights. Tight and taut at 10 songs in 37 minutes, HEAVY SENTENCE’s debut album is a well-oiled machine of absolute ANTHEMS destined for classic status. No more but certainly no less, Bang to Rights is everything HEAVY SENTENCE have been since the very beginning: deceptively energetic mid-tempo HEAVY METAL roughened up by the spectre of punk, much like (again) those early days of the NWOBHM. Of course, the band are apt to kick into a gallop from time to time, but the emphasis is always on go-for-the-throat songwriting that only street-walking cheetahs with hearts full of napalm can produce. Of course, Motörhead’s glorious works of the 1980s loom large here – from Iron Fist to Rock ‘n’ Roll, and even Another Perfect Day – but it’s HEAVY SENTENCE’s attitude and charisma which triumph over all. Equally back-alley belligerent and high-adventure fantastical, Bang to Rights is informed by early ‘80s Thin Lizzy as equally as prime Saxon, with HEAVY SENTENCE here continuing the lineal dots connecting Heavy Load, Omen, Lord Weird Slough Feg, and October 31 onward to the metalpunk revolution fostered by Midnight. In short, timeless and eternal and fucking unyielding.
A HEAVY SENTENCE is coming your way…‘Cos you are BANG TO RIGHTS!
– CD edition with sticker.
– MC edition with sticker, button and download code.
* LP edition is delayed until August
DVP 181 Bunker 66 – Beyond the Help of Prayers LP
DYING VICTIMS PRODUCTIONS is proud to present BUNKER 66’s highly anticipated fourth album, Beyond the Help of Prayers, on CD and vinyl LP formats.
Since 2007, Italy’s BUNKER 66 have been proudly (and prolifically) flying the flag of ‘80s metalpunk, all in the beloved power-trio format. Of course, the joint influence of Motörhead and Venom looms large, but equally so do homeland heroes Bulldozer, the UK’s Warfare, early Running Wild, early Bathory and Slayer, later Anti-Cimex, metal-era Gang Green, and any ‘80s recordings from Discharge and Exciter. With this robust and rust-covered foundation firmly in place, BUNKER 66 recorded a trio of cult albums for High Roller Records as well as a grip of splits with the likes of Italy’s Barbarian and Morbo, Brazil’s Whipstriker, and most recently Scotland’s Vuil. Simply put, they’re a cult band for cult fanatics – and we wouldn’t have it any other way!
Now, a couple years on from that last-mentioned split with Vuil comes BUNKER 66’s long-awaited fourth album, Beyond the Help of Prayers. The band’s first full-length in four years and second with the lineup of co-founders vocalist/bassist Damien Thorne and drummer Dee Dee Altar alongside ex-Schizo guitarist J.J. Priestkiller, Beyond the Help of Prayers is a refreshing blast of old air! Right from the opening, galloping minutes of “To the Gates of Death – Lair of the Profaner,” this is 666% BUNKER 66 through and through – all those above influences, all sliced and diced with the deft touch of devotees, but always brimming with a charisma that’s undeniable – and thereafter do the hits keep on coming. But, while one could say that Beyond the Help of Prayers is business as usual for the band (and we’d still love it), the album sees BUNKER 66 taking on subtly more epic touches, ones that feel almost swords & sorcery without being obvious about it, or perhaps the post-apocalyptic wasteland vibes of Dee Dee Altar’s time in Children of Technology played a significant role? Naturally, the trio keep their noses deep within their realms of the black here, and while they’re undoubtedly dirtier and more blasphemous than ever, BUNKER 66 arguably receive their best-sounding production on Beyond the Help of Prayers, which thankfully only maximizes their power that much more.
You can’t teach old dogs new tricks, and the same be said – STUNNINGLY – for BUNKER 66, for they’re Beyond the Help of Prayers!
– Regular edition on black vinyl, with insert, poster, sticker, post card and download code.
– Special edition sold out
DVP 183 Eisenhand – Fires Within LP/CD/MC
DYING VICTIMS PRODUCTIONS is proud to present EISENHAND’s striking debut album, Fires Within, on CD and vinyl LP formats.
EISENHAND are a relatively new entity hailing from Austria. The band made their recorded debut in 2018 with the accurately titled Demonstration Tape and followed it with another demo, White Fortress, the following year. During that time, EISENHAND took to the stage, reveling in the raucous experience of live performance, and their two recordings to date ably captured that spirit. And while a couple of members have done time in more overtly black metal-styled bands, EISENHAND’s sound stridently recalls the pre-thrash days of heavy metal: whether the style was early power metal or belatedly-applied epic metal or simply speed metal straight from the garage, subgenre delineations matter not when faced with such stout-hearted bravado and blanching passion.
Thankfully, all that rough-hewn promise and poise spill forth across EISENHAND’s full-length debut, Fires Within. Indeed aptly titled, Fires Within absolutely brims with a fiery authenticity that’s simultaneously ancient and fresh-sounding. Moody in their melodicism, bristling with electricity at every turn, and incredibly dynamic even with their bursting-at-the-seams execution, EISENHAND weave majestic tales of the supernatural and strange that get stuck in your head even when song lengths easily slot into the five-to-nine-minute range. But the seven-track/45-minute Fires Within is simply the format it needs to be, no more and definitely no less: “Steel City Sorcery,” “Dizzying Heights” and the reprised “White Fortress” and “Ancient Symbols” are but some of those tales, each as crucial as the one before and the one to come… All is EPIC here, without being overstated about it – myth and magic and also modesty.
Names invoked include Gotham City, Bashful Alley, earliest Omen, Brocas Helm, Kat, Turbo, Magnesium, or early Slayer, as well labelmates like MEGATON SWORD, SANDSTORM, COLTRE, SOULCASTER and MIDNIGHT PREY, but on evidence of these Fires Within, EISENHAND are already on their way to lighting a new torch! Are you prepared to get burned?
– Regular edition on black vinyl, with insert, poster, sticker, post card and download code.
– Special edition sold out.
– CD edition with sticker.
– MC edition with sticker, button and download code.
DVP 184 Parish – God’s Right Hand MCD
DYING VICTIMS PRODUCTIONS is proud to present the striking debut EP of England’s PARISH, God’s Right Hand, on CD format.
PARISH are a proto-metal power-trio hailing from London.Despite forming just a few years ago, their sound is as ancient as it comes – as in deep, WAY DEEP, into the ‘70s. Their two-song Famine, War demo in early 2019 was but a foretaste of the archaic splendor to come. At twice as many songs, four-pronged just like its simple-yet-elegant cover art, God’s Right Hand is PARISH hitting a peak enviously early in their career.
To say that the PARISH of God’s Right Hand is indebted to earliest Black Sabbath is both accurate and misleading. While just about any doom-oriented band could be likened to the almighty Sabs, PARISH’s resemblance is a literally spiritual one: their measured ‘n’ melancholic take on heavy ROCK bears an aeons-old fear of God and a pensive, even-pastoral expression of it – cranked to 11. Just witness the stomping opener “Apothecary” and the way PARISH wind the listener from the grimy backstreets all the way out to the barren countryside with mystical closer “By a Bandit’s Knife.” In between, the Sabbathian push ‘n’ pound opens up to include shades of Witchfinder General, Pagan Altar, and even Trouble. But the richly analog recording of God’s Right Hand absolutely bleeds ancient-days authenticity, and wholly whisks the listener away from any sense of modernity…
The church bells toll and the mass is to begin…head to PARISH and witness God’s Right Hand!
DVP 189 Vulture – Dealin’ Death MC
DYING VICTIMS PRODUCTIONS is proud to present the 3rd album from Germany’s VULTURE, Dealin’ Death, on music cassette.
If we are talking High Speed Metal these days, one simply HAS to talk about Vulture! The band shows quite the work ethics and delivers their already 3rd album in their relatively short career, but do not make the mistake and expect any half assed, weak material on here. Working hard on carefully evolving their overall sound and especially the individual tracks, they have managed to streamline the material to 10 even more concise and catchy speed metal hymns.
– MC edition with sticker and button.
DVP 190 Reaver – Butchery from Beyond! MC
DYING VICTIMS PRODUCTIONS is proud to present the debut demo from USA’s REAVER, Butchery from Beyond!, on music cassette.
Rancid, old school metal ov Death, or as the band puts it themselves: “Swedish death metal from the hard streets of Stockholm, California”. If you like your death metal how it was in the late 80s/early 90s, then get yourself a copy of this 4-track demo!
– MC edition with sticker, button and download code.
DVP-R 004 Xandril – The Vision of Rotting Darkness: The Demos 1983-1988 2MC
DYING VICTIMS PRODUCTIONS/RELICS FROM THE CRYPT are proud to present the essential compilation of Germany’s XANDRIL, The Vision of Rotting Darkness, on double cassette format.
After the more than beautiful CD and Vinyl LP edition on HMH Records, DVP and Xandril decided that also the tape maniacs should be able to dig into the short, yet fruitful history of German speed metal act Xandril. This double cassette compilation contains the complete Xandril demo anthology including the classic demos ‘Rotting Paradise’, ‘The Vision’, ‘Perfect Darkness’, ‘Rehearsal ’85’, Demo I 1983 and Demo II 1983 plus additional tracks from the ‘Rehearsal ’85’ session! 26 tracks of Teutonic speed metal!!!
– Double MC Jewelcase with insert, sticker, button.
Out 28th May