Contact & Distribution

Bands looking for a label, media outlets interested in promo packs and distributors looking for wholesale rates: please get in touch. I am always looking for new cooperations.

Trades are welcome, but always write first. We will work something out.

E-mail address:

Please send an email before shipping anything to the postal address.

Dying Victims Productions
Florian Grill
Rellinghauser Str. 334D
45136 Essen

For technical problems ONLY:

If you want to distribute Dying Victims Productions’ titles in your country, get in touch directly for cheap rates:

Distributed by
The Orchard Distribution worldwide except for

Heathen Natives in Greece
MVD in the USA and Canada
Plastic Head Distribution in the United Kingdom and Ireland
Sonic Rendezvouz in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
SoundWorks in France

Additionally the label’s releases are carried by numerous underground distributor’s and mail order labels worldwide.